Moment: Une Revue de Photo
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Yes. Moment: Une Revue de Photo is out…complete with its own imperfections.
How did this happen? Well, I always wanted to create a photography magazine. I thought editing a magazine was like managing a photography-gallery. Except, and mea-culpa if I am wrong , that a photo-magazine…lasts longer than a exhibit in a gallery. There is a sense of eternity in having hard copy.
Here I am in Cusco, Peru with my friend Mario Guevara, who is a professional writer and editor of a wonderful magazine called Siete culebras (seven snakes). Mario suggests to me that we create and publish a photography magazine. “You send me photos and money and I will create the magazine. Of course I am flattered by his suggestion, but how can I do this? No se nada sobre revistas. J’e ne se pas.
I meet many photographers who encourage me, among them is Lorrie Palmer from Positive Focus. Everyone is enthusiastic about the project, but publishing a magazine requires funding. I looked for financiers and I find them…they are my friends and colleagues…Alizabeth Towery, Angel Amy Moreno, Paul Robinson, Carlos Henderson, Eva Kolbuszand Leo Theinert.They provide the funding. So I ask suggestions for what to call our magazine? .We first triedClick, but then our friend in Paris, Carlos Henderson suggests a French name, L’œil Ouvert. We then tried Moments: a Photo-Journal, Click, Blow Up, Views, Images, Visual Thoughts, Stolen Moments, Imag/ing, Visions, Re-presentations, In-sigh, Click, Blow-Up, Moment: Une Reviste de Photo…and we finally used a French name…Moment: Une Revue de Photo. We had the name but now and most importantly we needed photographers. This was an undertaking in and of itself. For example, once I was to meet Christine Benjamin in Park Slope, Brooklyn but it didn’t happen…
Many thanks to all of you…Ed Adams, Lori Arbel, Corey Armpriester, Nicole Barriere, Christine Benjamin, Amanda Bielskas, Amah Rachel Boah, Peruska Chambi, Mario Curasi, Manuel Guevara, Dorothea Coiffe, Janine Coyne, Carlos Nishiyama, Mario Guevara, Carlos Henderson, Colin homes, Jenny Jozwiak, Eva Kolbusz, Angel Amy Moreno, Paul Robinson, Safe T Gallery, Katharine Sapper, Joanna Tam, Leo Theinert, Davis Thomson-Moss, Miguel Villalobos, Alejandro Varderi, Cecilia Muhlstein…Thank you very much. Thank you for helping me make a dream a reality.
Vicente Revilla, Editor